
Recovery Premium and National Tutoring Programme

Academic year 2022-2023

In 2022-2023 the government’s Recovery Premium and School Led Tutoring  grants aimed to support children to recover lost ground after school closure periods. In addition to carefully planned lessons in classrooms, and the focus on the learning and personal development of individuals through the work of teachers and LSAs, the school created a plan which ensured that the combined grant total of £6,592 was used effectively.  

Aware of the extensive evidence supporting the impact of high quality one to one and small group tuition as a catch-up strategy, we prioritised this for groups of pupils across the school, focusing on English and maths.  

All activities were carefully managed and monitored, with pupil progress monitored and analysed. Children benefiting received small group tutoring over the course of two terms in two eight week blocks. This programme of small group tuition was is in addition to 1:1 tutoring already benefiting children in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant.

Recovery tutoring sessions focused either on filling gaps created by the pandemic, or pre-teaching skills and knowledge so that children could make strong progress within the current year’s curriculum. Class teachers planned sessions specifically to pick up on areas or weakness, address misconceptions or to complement classroom teaching.

Formative assessments across all groups evidence progress made and confidence gained. Children enjoyed the group sessions and parents were appreciative of the additional support being given to their children. 

Academic year 2023-2024

In total the school expects to receive approximately £4,485 from the combination of the National Tutoring Programme and the Recovery Premium. This money will be used to provide small group tutoring in English and maths for pupils who are not eligible for the Pupil Premium. 

Impact of these activities will be monitored by the SENDCo and reported to the Governing Body in termly Data Committee meetings.





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