
Book Recommendations

One of our aims is to ensure children get excited books and reading. The Gerrards Cross library is a great source of books, stories and rhymes. Here is a link to their opening times: Gerrards Cross library opening times

We are often asked for recommendations of books which families can enjoy at home or can give as presents.

‘Book Trust’ has put together a guide full of books they think are absolutely brilliant, carefully chosen to engage and excite children all the way up to age 11. Like us, they believe that the "right" book is always the book a child wants to read – and we hope the links below help you to find that book!

Great Books Guide: for 4 to 5 year olds

Great Books Guide: for 6 to 7 year olds

Great Books Guide: for 8 to 9 year olds

Great Books Guide: for 10 to 11 year olds

Themed book recommendations…

If your child enjoys myths and legends, or has a passion for plants, there are some booklists linked here. In fact you can search for children’s books on any theme! You will also find lists of books with black heroes and heroines, about characters with ADHD, and about refugees and asylum seekers. There’s also a list to help find the right book for dyslexic readers. Do investigate this very helpful search engine - we hope it will help you find the perfect book for your child!

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