
Pupil absence including illness

School attendance is a priority.  Irregular attendance seriously disrupts continuity of learning both for the child in question and for others in the class; it undermines educational progress, and can lead to underachievement and low attainment. This is particularly the case in the run-up to assessments. We are unable to provide an enriching, challenging and inspiring education to a child who is absent from school.

Our vision is to see 'Every Child Flourishing' – we need children to be in school so that we can achieve this! 

More information about the school's approach to this crucial area can be found in our 'Attendance Policy' which can be found here. It outlines which pupil absences may be authorised, depending on individual circumstances. In summary however, headteachers are unable to authorise absence during term time unless there are 'exceptional circumstances'; the fundamental principles for defining 'exceptional' are that an event is rare, significant, and the timing is unavoidable.  Please note that there are virtually no circumstances where family holidays can be authorised. Please check our term dates carefully before making any bookings.

The strategic lead for attendance is our Deputy Head, Mrs Clare Sheaf. She can be contacted via the school office. 

What to do if your child is unwell

The school should be contacted on the first day of the child's illness: this can be done by emailing by 9am, ensuring that you give your child's full name and class. If your child is absent for several days, or is suffering from a condition which may be contagious, please send an update by 9am each day. (If the school is not contacted by a parent / carer regarding an unexplained absence, we will phone the pupil's named contacts. If this does not resolve the issue, we will contact the attendance team at Buckinghamshire Council.)

The school would normally authorise absence for illness unless there is a pattern or an unusually high level of absence, when we would ask for further evidence such as a doctor's note.

Any children displaying flu-like symptoms should remain at home until all symptoms have passed. Current medical advice, as a result of the pandemic, is that we should continue to send home any children displaying symptoms of flu. Thank you for your understanding.

In line with NHS advice, children suffer either vomiting or diarrhoea they should remain at home for at least 48 hours after the last incident.

If you are in any doubt about your child's health and specific symptoms, please contact your doctor/practise for advice.



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