
Our Governors

At Gerrards Cross CE School we have a strong, committed and well trained Governing Body. We work closely with the head teacher and senior leadership team to ensure that there are outstanding provision of learning opportunities for the children both now and in the future.

The full board meets at least three times a year as well as holding termly committee meetings. Each governor has specific roles, to monitor the operation of the school and review outcomes for children. Governors have the opportunity to go into the school and meet with staff and pupils and they regularly attend the many special events taking place within the school.

Our key functions are:

* to ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

* oversee the financial performance of the school

* to monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of the school strategic plan

* be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher

Our school seeks to provide an engaging, challenging and inspiring education in an environment where every individual is valued, nurtured and celebrated. With a firm foundation of Christian values, we share a vision of excellence which enriches today and equips for tomorrow.

Leanne Tilley, Chair of Governors,  can be contacted via the school office or by emailing

The Governors send out an annual questionnaire to parents which is analysed and the results fed into discussions in committees. We are delighted with the high percentage of questionnaires that are returned by parents and with the thoughtfulness of their constructive comments. Further documentation about governance including our accounts can be found under the 'Statutory Information' tab of this website.

Governing Body

Full Name  


  Term Responsibility
Nicola Flower Headteacher Ex officio   Headteacher
Leanne Tilley 4 Years Chair of Governors

Dec 2020 to Dec 2024

Chair of Governors

SEND Governor

Training and Development Governor

Helen Cockram 4 Years Foundation Governor Apr 2022 to Mar 2025

Vice Chair

Safeguarding Governor

Acting Chair of Data Committee

Ayan Davidson

4 Years

Foundation Governor Jan 2024 to Dec 2027 Chair of Audit Committee
James Fagan 4 Years Parent Governor Dec 2022 to Dec 2026  
Sukhdip Gill 4 Years Co-opted Governor Jan 2024 to Jan 2025

Chair of Premises Committee

Ann Green 4 Years Foundation Governor Mar 2024 to Mar 2028  
Catherine Griffiths 4 Years Foundation Governor Jan 2021 to Jan 2025  Chair of Human Resources Committee
Charlotte Johnsen 4 Years Foundation Governor Jan 2023 to Jan 2027  
Graham Key 4 Years Parent Governor Jan 2024 to Jan 2028  
Frances Mather 4 Years Co-opted Governor Jan 2024 to Jan 2025 Chair of Admissions Committee
Rev Matt Beeby St James Incumbent Ex officio July 2024 to July 2028  
Ian Moore   Foundation Governor Jan 2024 to July 2024  
Reema Mouysset 4 Years Parent Governor Jan 2024 to Jan 2028  
Dermot Purcell 4 Years Foundation Governor Mar 2024 to Mar 2028  
Timothy Romer 4 Years Foundation Governor Jan 2024 to July 2024 Chair of Finance Commitee
David Steel 4 Years Foundation Governor Mar 2024 to Mar 2028  
Stephanie Summerell 4 Years Foundation Governor May 2023 to May 2027  


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